Enabling transformation with Mindsprint

Mindsprint, a cutting-edge technology and business services firm headquartered in Singapore, was in search of innovative ways to enhance its customer's operational excellence approach while navigating a complex, fragmented landscape of processes with a high degree of granularity.

What they do

Business Services

Founded in

1989 (Group)




56.000 (Group)

In a nutshell

Previously known as Olam Technology and Business Services (OTBS), Mindsprint is a leading edge technology and business services firm that provides impact driven solutions to businesses, enabling them outpace speed of change.


What made Mindsprint leadership opt for KYP.ai platform to drive transformation for its customer?

Elavating operational efficiency

Mindsprint's Operational Excellence team had already propelled the company ahead of the competition. However, they remained ambitious, eager to elevate their Global Business Services' operational efficiency by harnessing the latest technological advancements in process improvement.

600 level 4 processes

With 600 level 4 processes – those characterized by their low-level, intricate nature, encompassing a multitude of individual cases, leading to considerable granularity and overarching complexity – 1300 agents that support over 55 countries, and a constantly changing process execution and delivery model, maintaining structure and driving improvements at scale became a daunting task.

Home office transformation<

The COVID-19 pandemic further amplified the situation, with most employees working from home, thereby making the need for a real-time Operations Management solution more urgent than ever. The leadership team sought a solution that would enable value stream mapping across teams and processes while steadfastly maintaining their commitment to high-quality service, cost efficiency, and customer satisfaction.


Revolutionizing Operations: Empowering Data-Driven Decisions with KYP.ai.


KYP.ai provided Mindsprint with a game-changing productivity intelligence solution, empowering them to make data-driven decisions and gain a comprehensive overview of their processes swiftly. KYP.ai stood out as the ideal choice because it offered the only productivity and process mining platform with a 360-degree view of the organization across people, process, and technology dimensions.


The project began with a limited-scope Proof of Concept in finance operations and supply-chain, rapidly expanding to the entire operation on 1200 machines, including a remote desktop setup with multiple tenants. The initial configuration enabled the onboarding of over 600 level 4 processes and established visibility at every user level, benefiting not only the company’s leadership but also team leaders and individual employees.


Team leaders received training on managing team performance and enhancing it using insights from the KYP.ai platform. Meanwhile, a central team of 30 Functional Business Analysts learned how to use KYP.ai to standardize, optimize, automate, and replicate processes (SOAR framework). This team now relies on KYP.ai as their mission-critical process tracking and improvement tool, enabling central value-stream-mapping for their operational excellence team.


The results of this implementation were nothing short of transformative for Mindsprint. With real-time value-stream-mapping, they gained the visibility needed to improve service quality without increasing costs. By tracking processes and measuring workforce behavior, they can now continuously make informed decisions to further drive efficiency and growth. These decisions, both in day-to-day operations and long-term transformation initiatives, have had a tremendous and tangible impact on their bottom line.

Krishna Ramkrishnan, Head of Operational Excellence, Governance and V&C – at Mindsprint, shares how KYP.ai helped address a significant challenge their organization faced.

Sundara Iyer, Vice President – Hyperautomation, Business Process Services at Mindsprint, explains what problems KYP.ai helps him solve in his head of technology capacity.

Krishna Ramkrishnan, Head of Operational Excellence, Governance and V&C – at Mindsprint, explains the benefits of using KYP.ai platform. 

Five Key Results

Delivering instant insights equivalent to 15 years of manual analysis.

Capturing the complete picture of how work gets done – leaving no stone unturned, with full visibility.

Facilitating value-stream-mapping for an impressive 600+ processes and more than 1200 employees.

Providing a data-driven solution that fuels both operational steering and transformation initiatives.

Empowering transformation as an ongoing journey, rather than a one-time endeavor.

Their Favorite Features

Capturing 100% of events (level of detail)
Instant scalability
Process discovery
Workforce ops monitoring
Individual employee dashboards

Key takeaways

  • Mindsprint successfully elevated their operational efficiency by leveraging KYP.ai's powerful productivity intelligence solution.

  • The implementation of KYP.ai facilitated real-time value-stream-mapping, providing crucial insights for continuous improvement across the organization.

  • Data-driven decision-making enabled by KYP.ai contributed to enhanced operational steering and the acceleration of transformation initiatives.

  • The comprehensive visibility into processes and work patterns helped Mindsprint in optimizing workload, work-life balance, and preventing employee burnout.

  • KYP.ai's solution accelerated automation proliferation, extending beyond rule-based use cases, and strengthened Mindsprint's commitment to innovation and growth.

Book your free discovery workshop now

Schedule a personalized strategy session with one of our experts who will:

  • Ask you about and discuss specific pain points and areas of improvement, enabling you to understand how you could drive targeted change and deliver measurable results.

  • Tap into our industry knowledge and insights, customized to suit your organization’s unique challenges and requirements.

  • Explain how you can use the Productivity 360 approach to identify hidden potential across processes, people and technology dimensions to uncover over 30% of untapped capacity.

Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the true potential of your business. Book your free discovery workshop now!

Food for thought?

KYP.ai is named a Leader for 2024 Industrial Automation. Discover the Intelligent Zinnov report and learn how to automate complex tasks, embrace autonomous workflows and boost efficiency.