Customer Series – Nexdigm SKP

Interviews | 05.08.2022 | By: Felix Haeser

“With an innovative partner like KYP, we are looking at transformation across multiple dimensions”.

Watch and listen as Darius Thomas, Practice Head of BPM and Entity Setup Management, explains how Nexdigm are standardizing processes, freeing up capacity, and assessing training interventions all with the visibility provided by

Interview Transcript


So welcome to all listeners and watchers of the KYP customer series and also a warm welcome to my guest today who is Darius Thomas from Nexdigm. Darius is the Practice Head of BPM and Entity Setup Management for Nexdigm and will today tell us his story with KYP. And welcome again, Darius. So just to start off, my first question of today is ‘what business are you in? And what transformation challenge do you face actually’.


Hi Felix, so let me introduce our organization. Nexdigm is an employee-owned, independent, global organization serving clients from across 50 countries. We harness our multifunctional and digital capabilities across business services and professional services where we provide our customers, both listed and privately held firms, with integrated solutions. One of the teams that I lead is the Business Process Management Team where we do Finance and Accounting work, and contract management work for some global firms. Currently, we generate transformation ideas bottom-up from team members. We then leverage robotics, bespoke applications, analytics, and dashboards, like Power BI etc. While this is great, we miss having a top down holistic view to help us prioritize. The traditional approach towards creating this top-down view required skilled transformation consultants to create very detailed process flow maps, and then also do a time and motion study. Even then there was a lot of subjectivity involved. So those are some of the challenges we face today in driving a transformation agenda.


Wow Darius this sounds really exciting what you’re in. Now coming to KYP. How did KYP help you to give your journey the right spin here.


So the next phase of the Nexdigm transformation journey is to leverage KYP and we have just embarked upon that journey. We want to do the right things and we want to do them right. With an innovative partner like KYP, we are looking at a transformation across multiple dimensions. We want to understand where time was getting spent to accordingly decide chargebacks and pricing. Also, we want to enable our people to spend time on value-added tasks and look at automating some of the repetitive tasks. As a BPO provider we also want to rediscover ourselves continuously to provide the best experience to our customers and transmission is an integral part of it. With KYP there is a reliable data gathering process, which is done in a low-touch, non-intrusive approach. without increasing any effort to the production staff. The KYP tool also helps with some preliminary analysis for determining improvement opportunities, and so our timeline for transformation projects comes down and we’re really excited and are looking forward for our KYP journey.


Darius this sounds really great. And also you start talking about your future, right. We are already on the journey together for quite a long time, but if you could talk us through the next steps that Nexdigm will as a whole take on this initiative that would be great.


So Felix our processes are complex, right, and we accommodate variability and flexibility that our clients demand. However, as you look forward with KYP, we want to see how we can standardize processes, free up capacity, and also understand what training interventions are needed for people. We are looking to understand inter-agent variability of process steps that exists for same process and also to understand variability for the same process across multiple clients with KYP we believe that process compliance would improve, which would have a knock-on effect in improving our client satisfaction scores. We’re also looking at KYP to give us insights into which processes should be centralized across line teams executing on similar processes. So that’s the vision as we look forward to journey with KYP.


Thank you very much Darius this is a really exciting journey and thank you very much for sharing your insights today. Thanks so much. So I’m really looking forward to a continuous journey together with you and unveiling a lot of new things that you are not aware of yet with our software KYP so we’re happy to have you on board and thank you very much again for the interview.


Thank you Felix and really looking forward. Thank you. is named a Leader for 2024 Industrial Automation. Discover the Intelligent Zinnov report and learn how to automate complex tasks, embrace autonomous workflows and boost efficiency.